'LOSE BELLY FAT Program from Pink Fitness will be the perfect workout for you to burn those unwanted belly fat. We\'re doing various abs exercises with Max. reps to help you tone your abs. Don\'t push yourself too hard if you can\'t finish it, it\'s a challenge so progress there slowly. 0:00 - Intro 0:40 - Plank 2:57 - Alternate toe touches 5:52 - Table top crunches 7:48 - Leg raises 10:12 - Squat punches 12:11 - Criss cross 14:00 - Pretzel bridge 16:28 - Windshield wipers 19:18 - Abs hold crunches 20:58 - Plank twist 23:05 - Banana roll 25:20 - Dead bugs 28:28 - Side crunches 31:40 - Touch down squats For Regular Scheduled Workouts Download, Download the Pink 360 app and try us for free: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pinkfitness Subscribe to the Pink Fitness channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PinkFitness We make group workouts & Custom Workouts with Daily Healthy Diet Plans at Gym, Home, Anywhere, Anytime. #bellyworkout #abs #absworkout Pink Fitness - India\'s Largest Women\'s Only Fitness Chain'
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